ios 11 style theme Asha 302 C3-00 X2-01 s40 320×240

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The end of the month is good for those of you who have a Nokia S40 320×240 device. because we will share free themes for these devices. iphone x ios 11 style theme s40 320×240 with swf and static wallpaper, in the swf version there is a digital clock, signal indicator and battery. for custom icons emulating ios 11 style, custom call tones, custom elements with transparent white colors.

iphone X ios 11 style theme Asha 302 C3-00 X2-01 210 205 200 201 s40

We share four themes with features that have been adapted to the current devices. Good luck and continue to visit this site for the latest theme updates.


  • Swf digital clock
  • Live theme
  • Live battery and signal indicator
  • iphone x style icon
  • iphone x ringtone
  • static theme available
  • Media skin
  • Clean element

iphone X ios 11 style theme s40 320×240 static wallpaper

Download file theme nth 980 kb

ios 11 style theme s40 320×240 swf wallpaper

Download file theme nth 1.157 kb

ios 11 style theme s40 320×240 static red edition

Download file theme nth 944 kb

ios 11 style theme s40 320×240 swf red edition

Download file theme nth 1.052 kb ADVERTISEMENTS


  1. Samir

    Salam men telfona tema yukleye bilmirem xayis duzeldin sayti temalar yuklyim telfonumun adi NOKIA 205 🙂

    • wb7themes

      Wb7themes @Samir our dropbox account is having a problem, we are repairing all download files. thank you

  2. sushil

    Very very nice :* theme i like it god bless u

    • wb7themes

      Wb7themes @sushil see also themes that get updates
