Windows 10 20H2 style swf theme Asha 303 300 X3-02 touch type device

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Windows 10 20H2 style theme with SWF and static wallpapers for Asha 303 300 X3-02 and compatible for all Nokia s40 touch and type devices. Latest custom icon style like the original, Wallpaper SWF / flash lite clock, day indicator, signal, battery, and date. Static themes are also available if you don’t like themes with SWF wallpapers. Other features, built-in startup shutdown ringtone, slide tones if your cellphone is a slide model.

Windows 10 20H2 style swf theme Asha 303 300 X3-02 touch type device

Choose a theme according to your taste

With Swf wallpaper

Download nth file Size: 1.128 KB

With static wallpaper

Download nth file Size: 1.321 KB ADVERTISEMENTS

  1 Comment

  1. Madhes

    Free fire themes make please with clock wb7themes…
