Random access memory (RAM) is a type of computer storage whose contents can be accessed at any time regardless of where the data is in memory. This is in contrast to sequential memory devices, such as magnetic tapes, disks and drums, where the mechanical movement of the storage medium forces the computer to access data sequentially.
First known in the 60’s. It’s just that at that time semiconductor memory was not yet popular because the price was very expensive. It was more common to use magnetic main memory.
Semiconductor companies such as Intel debuted by producing RAM, more precisely the type of DRAM.
Usually RAM can be written and read, as opposed to ROM (read-only-memory), RAM is usually used for primary storage (main memory) in a computer for active use and conversion of information, although some devices use several types of RAM to provide long-term secondary storage. -long.
But there are also those who argue that ROM is another type of RAM, because it is actually Random Access like SRAM or DRAM. It’s just that the writing process on ROM requires a special process that is not as easy and flexible as SRAM or DRAM. In addition, some part of the RAM address space (main memory) of a system is mapped onto one or two ROM chips.